
Modafinil Reduces Excessive Daytime Sleepiness after Traumatic Brain Injury


The treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness by modafinil following traumatic brain injury is well-documented. In this article, we review its application to the treatment of fatigue, sleep disorders, and excessive sleepiness during the day. The authors cover patients suffering from sleep disorders as well as traumatic brain injuries. In addition, they include the patient who suffers from trauma to the brain. They provide case studies of the effectiveness of modafinil.

Treatment for excessive daytime sleepiness

In an experimental retrospective study, modafinil effects on excessive daytime sleepiness post-traumatic were assessed. The study was conducted on patients suffering from injuries to the brain that were traumatic and mental disorders. At the time of weeks four and ten, Modafinil effects on sleepiness during the day were observed. Modafinil was well-tolerated and decreased insomnia in both groups. The side effects of the drug were not too significant.

Patients suffering from TBI typically experience an increase in demands for sleep, but there are some who experience more sleepiness during the day. Overly-long daytime sleepiness is commonly called hypersomnia. A new term called pleiosomnia is being considered to describe the increased demands for sleep over the next 24 hours. The issue with patients suffering from TBI has to do with the fact that they are more likely to underestimate their requirements for sleep and the degree of sleepiness during the day increases when patients fail to get enough rest.

The negative effects of EDS are numerous, and the occurrence of EDS is not restricted to people suffering from brain injuries that are traumatic. EDS is also prevalent in people suffering from epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurological conditions. A detailed medical history will be crucial when trying to determine the cause. The patient could have additional issues aside from the excessive daytime insomnia that is linked to EDS. However, the benefits of the medication are evident as it helps to reduce EDS.

Treatment for insomnia following trauma to the brain

Modafinil use as a treatment is a promising new therapy for fatigue and excessive daytime sleepiness that is caused by TBI. In a study pilot, it decreased daytime sleepiness significantly in TBI patients as measured using a scale of fatigue severity. Additionally, it enhanced cognitive function and decreased fatigue. Additionally, the study found that Modalert decreased excessive sleepiness during the daytime in the aftermath of TBI.

The study was conducted with the help of The Moody Foundation Inc., two companies that are involved in the production of Modafinil. The authors have no conflicts of interest. Modafinil is approved for use in the treatment of narcolepsy as well as sleep disorders resulting from shift work. There is also clinical evidence to treat fatigue related to MS. However, more research is required to confirm its effectiveness for these conditions.

A study that was conducted on individuals with traumatic brain injuries discovered the following: Modalert 200 and Modvigil significantly reduced the amount of sleepiness during the day and reduced the risk of depression as well as hyperactivity. The study’s results also demonstrated that the drugs also reduced the symptoms of irritability and arousal.

Treatment of fatigue following an injury to the brain that is traumatic

Modafinil use for treating post-TBI fatigue is a well-known treatment option. Two trials with 60 participants have offered convincing evidence of its effectiveness. These trials were conducted on healthy volunteers as well as patients suffering from TBI. While they were conducted in various groups, these results suggest that modafinil can assist patients suffering from chronic or severe post-TBI fatigue.

This is a second phase single-center study. The participants were assigned modafinil 200 mg or a similar number of placebo tablets. The results were measured using an Epworth Sleepiness Scale and fatigue severity scale. Participants also took a survey of the symptoms they experienced. In the following 90 days, modafinil was linked to less fatigue. The study concluded that the treatment could enhance cognitive performance among TBI patients.

The study employed modafinil in a bioequivalent way armodafinil. Modafinil has been approved by the FDA to treat excessive sleepiness during the day and shift work sleep disorder as well as the condition known as narcolepsy. It can also be used to treat certain types of fatigue related to MS. Apart from its effectiveness the drug has also been utilized in numerous other research studies.

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